Puppies & Manners
Class Times
Puppy and Manners classes take place on Monday evenings:
Registration for the March session 1 is now CLOSED.
Kinder Puppy I: 6:30pm - 7:15pm
Kinder Puppy II: 7:45pm - 8:30pm
Beginning Manners: 6:30pm - 7:15pm
Junior Manners: 7:45pm - 8:30pm
Next Class Sessions
2025 Session Dates:
Session 1: Orientation 02/24; Classes start 03/03
Session 2: Orientation 05/05; Classes start 05/12
Session 3: Orientation 07/21; Classes start 07/28
Session 4: Orientation 10/13; Classes start 10/20
Puppy Classes
Our Puppy classes are based on Dr. Jennifer Messer’s, DVM, “The Kinderpuppy Course”. We have also included AKC’s S.T.A.R. Puppy program. Evaluations will be given during the last class of Kinderpuppy II. All breeds of dogs, including mixed breeds, are welcome to participate in all of our classes.
Kinderpuppy I Monday evenings, 6:30pm-7:15pm
This eight-week class is for puppies between 8 and 18 weeks old (16 weeks old or younger on the first day of class). In this class your puppy has the opportunity to socialize with other puppies and people. You will learn how to handle typical puppy training issues including:
Name recognition
Impulse control
The basic 5: sit, down, come, leave it, stay
Sound desensitization/spook proofing
Resource guarding
Bite inhibition
Housebreaking/Crate training
Calming techniques
Walking on a leash
Greeting people
Attention work
Leave it, take it, give it
Jumping inhibition
... and more!
Kinderpuppy II Monday evenings, 7:45pm-8:30pm
This eight-week class is for puppies who have completed Kinderpuppy I. In this class your puppy will continue to have the opportunity to socialize with other puppies and people. You will learn how to put your dog training skills from Kinderpuppy I to practical use. This class includes:
Socialization with other pups and people
Controlling jumping and play biting
Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, and Come without luring
Leave it/Take it/Give it
Distraction and proofing exercises
Integrating obedience with life rewards
Walking politely on a leash
Sending to a “place” (mat, bed, crate, etc.)
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy evaluation
… and more!
Beginning Manners Monday evenings, 6:30pm-7:15pm
This eight-week class is for dogs that are too old for puppy classes (roughly five to six months and older) with minimal or no prior training experience. This class will include:
Socialization with other dogs and people
Walking politely on a leash
Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, and Come
Leave it/Take it/Give it
Attention Work
Eliminating jumping on people
Calming techniques
Teaching tricks
Obedience games
... and more!
Junior Manners Monday evenings, 7:45pm-8:30pm
This eight-week class is for dogs who have completed a Puppy or Beginning Manners Class and is based on building a better relationship with your dog. This class will include:
Distraction and proofing exercises
Walking politely on a leash
Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, and Come without luring
Calming techniques
Eliminating jumping on people
Attention work with distractions
Obedience games
... and more
Advanced Manners Monday evenings, 7:45pm-8:30pm
This class will be geared towards a successful completion on the CGC test that will be given on week 8 of the session.
Click here for more information on this title.
Class Cost
$125 for one 8-week session, $210 for a punch card covering 2 consecutive 8-week class sessions ($40 savings). These cards must be used in two consecutive obedience sessions (for example summer and fall, or winter and spring) and only by the person who purchased it.
Next Class Sessions
Please e-mail the class coordinator for registration information